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For years, water has been a recurring subject matter in my work. It flows and ripples, and therefore a grateful topic to translate into a painting. Water is connected and is strongly influenced by climate change. It is often in the news, due to a shortage or a surplus, causing floods. Our relationship with water is changing. Water has become politics.


Because I myself do not have a first hand relationship with water, I have become curious about how people who deal with water on a daily basis, experience this element. What type of changes are noticeable and how do they experience their field of work?


It was time to start a more expansive series about water: Project SITW (Something In The Water). For this project I have spoken to people for whom water is part of their daily work environment, and for some a more leisurely activity. Scientists who have been able to contribute to a better understanding of nature. Entrepreneurs who make their money under water or above water and the people who take care of the nature surrounding water.


I translate these conversations in one or more paintings, a sentence or statement that has caught my attention is transformed into a piece of art, making use of the personal element in the stories of the people I have spoken to.


You will gain not so much an accurate representation as a celebration of the element water. To demand attention for this magnificent element.


Welcome to my world of water.




“The ecosystem is the first layer of protection. A natural system does not need an embankment."

Bregje van Wesenbeeck, Coastal ecologist



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Mangrove Forest l, 120x100cm,

acrylic on linen, 2021





“A mangrove forest is fairytale-like. The root system and everything that lives on and around it is an ecosystem”

Bregje van Wesenbeeck, Coastal ecologist



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Mangrove Forest II,120x135cm,

acrylic on linen, 2021 (Private collection)





"More than half of the Netherlands is sea."

Klaudie Bartelink, Underwater filmmaker



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Neap Tide,120x150cm,

acrylic on linen, 2021





“I am one of the few Dutch people who is more familiar with the Netherlands under water than above water.”

Klaudie Bartelink, Underwater filmmaker



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Beyond, 140x140cm,

ink and acrylic on linen 2021





“The sea is in charge, the waves and the wind are your friends. You have to get to know them.”

Onno Schuitema, Sailor, surgeon



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The Ride, 140x140cm,

ink and acrylic on linen, 2021





“I think we should call our planet ‘water’ instead of ‘earth’.”

Katja Peijnenburg, Marine biologist



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Deep Down I, 120x120cm,

ink and acrylic on linen, 2021



“Shocking is the discovery that the smallest organisms are of the utmost important” 

Katja Peijnenburg, Marine biologist



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Deep Down II, 120x120cm,

ink and acrylic on linen, 2021



“If we take better care of the sea life we’re halfway there.”

Katja Peijnenburg, Marine biologist



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Deep Down III, 120x120cm,

ink and acrylic on linen, 2021





“Water is a lifeline, it contains everything. Sadness, death, fun, nature, homesickness, a goal. Magnificent.”

Hans Luining,Traditional sailing skipper



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Heavy Seas,150x150cm,

acrylic on linen, 2021





“The sea represents consistency, it is a familiar landscape. Water is a dynamic landscape. And the most important source of peace in my life.”

Harm van der Geest, Aquatic Ecologist



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The Roller,150x150cm,

acrylic on linen, 2021



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acrylic on linen, 2020